Teo | custom birth announcement


Birthcard announcement Teo 02

I made this birth announcement card for baby Teo who was born in the beginning of 2024. The illustrations on the front of
the card show personal elements of Teo and his family which are combined in a baby mobile. The custom birth announcement
is handmade with watercolour in shades of blue, yellow, light pink and green. On the back of the A6 card I also included the
strings of the baby mobile that appear as small garlands. Perfect for the celebration of welcoming a new family member.
Next to the essential information I also illustrated little custom made symbols for the date of birth, time of birth, height and
weight of the little one. Since the parents from Teo are from the Netherlands and Spain I designed the custom birth
announcement bilingual. Therefore one card is in Dutch and one in Basque/Spanish. As a finishing touch we decided to use
envelopes in dark green that complement the illustrations.

Are you also interested in a custom illustration by studio katipeifer? Get in touch with me by sending me a message here.

Technique: watercolor
Result: custom baby card
Material: Conqueror vergé naturelle
Measurements (cm): A6

Birthcard announcement Teo 03

Birthcard announcement Teo 04

Birthcard announcement Teo 05

Birthcard announcement Teo 06

front and back of a custom baby card in Basque/Spanish with illustrated elements and blurred out texts