Jolanda to Asia | Branding

Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 03 - portrait - studio katipeifer

For the travel newsletter | JOLANDA TO ASIA (original title: Jolanda naar Azië) from my Dutch friend Jolanda I made the branding including digital illustrations and the color palette. Since she decided to move to Asia and live and work there, she is using this travel newsletter to keep family and friends up to date on her latest adventures.

As a result I digitally illustrated a portrait of her and I designed all the elements like banners and separators of her newsletter JOLANDA TO ASIA to give the newsletter a unique and personal look. Therefore I used Dutch and Asian symbols like flowers, crockery, food, landscape, clothes and the weather to connect her two worlds in one. The font Comfortaa Light is working really well with the layered and warm character of the newsletter. As main colours I used a warm brick red resembling the warmth of the Far East. A full blue is standing for the colder climate of the Netherlands.

Technique: digital illustrations
Result: digital portrait, branding, banners, set of design elements

Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 02 - Banner header - studio katipeifer

Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 05 - newsletter in use - studio katipeifer Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 06 - separators - studio katipeifer

Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 07 - Banner footer - studio katipeifer

Travel Newsletter Jolanda to Asia 04 - font comfortaa light - studio katipeiferInterested in other commissions from studio katipeifer? Take a look here.