WHOSE LAND IS IT? | book cover

A book cover for WHOSE LAND IS IT?, a dissertation about feelings of territorial ownership in settler societies by the researcher Wybren Nooitgedagt.
Inspired by the subject of his research I came up with the idea to make a book cover with an illustration of water and land that refers to maps. At first glance it seems to be an ordinary map, but when you look more in detail you will discover that the water and land is rather shaped by side profiles of humans. I played with the concept of ownership and that it is humans who shape countries and the world that we live in.
Next to it I designed the invitation / bookmark for the defence that comes with the book. It shows a cut out of the illustration including parts of the sea and land.
The illustration for the book cover WHOSE LAND IS IT? was made with watercolour and is printed on 100% recycled paper. The wild sea in blue stands in a nice contrast to the warm tones of the land.