Cozy home (Sant-a-card) | postcards
Cozy home is the second set of my Christmas card series SANT-A-CARD. All cards of this collection are ideal postcards for Christmas and the winter season, but nature lovers will probably enjoy them all year around. As the name SANT-A-CARD suggests already, these Christmas cards are meant to be send or given to your loved ones but feel free to also keep them for yourself and decorate your walls with it. This set is inspired by all things cozy during this quite season. I made in total 3 illustrations with watercolour that are part of a cozy day in Winter and around Christmas: Christmas tree, an enamel cup, a pine twig and cookies. The handmade illustrations are printed on 100% recycled paper in size A6.
Purchase COZY HOME in a set or separately here in my shop.
Technique: watercolour
Result: postcards
Material: 100% recycled paper (300gr)
Measurements: A6
Interesed in the other set of this series? Find more about it here.